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PIR Module MS300


MS-300 Series - PIR Module with lens

PIR Sensor Module



bulletThe use of a single-chip CMOS IC results in low power drain meaning that module can operate with low voltage souces such as batteries.
bulletThe fresnel lens provides a detection range of 0 - 3m(MS-310) or 0 - 5m(MS-311) with a 70 degree spread.
bulletThe module's built-in timer is freely adjustable. It is also possible to adjust the mask time (after output is terminated) and circuit stabilization time (after power-on) during which the module will not respond.
bulletChoice of two operating modes: One-shot or Retriggerable.
bulletOuput current (open collector output) can be adjusted up to a maximum of 0.5 amps.
bulletBy adding an external Cds, operation can be confined to a dark environment. Ideal for courtesy and security lights.
bulletMS-330/331 employs a quad-element PIR sensor, optimal for small motion detector.


bulletAutomatic lighting switches.
bulletIntruder alarms.
bulletAC/DC sensor lights.
bulletAutomated product demonstration.
bulletSafety systems.


Characteristics (Module with standard specs.)

Power Supply Voltage 2.6 ~ 5.5V
Power Consumption 35µA typ. (3V)
Operating Temp. -10 ~ +50°C
Output Time 8 sec. *
Mask Time 1.5 sec. *
Circuit Stabilization Time 15 sec. *
Operating Mode One-shot *

*Specifications can be changed to order.

*We can also offer the following models for particular applications.

1) For units in use in SUN-LIGHT conditions. Note: Module itself is not water-proofed.

2) For AIR-FRESHENER to dispense fragrance in bathrooms etc.

Note: Production of both models are available only by order.

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Last modified: October 25, 2009